
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Stay At Home Mom... The Best Full-Time Job I Could Ask For!!

You hear most people welcome the weekend. A couple days off  from work, and lots of much needed  family time. I guess you could say I'm one of the lucky ones. Being a stay at home mom, is almost like the weekend all week . Don't get me wrong I'm not saying its not a full time job because it is. Besides my husband, who works full time and then comes home and spends several hours doing improvements and upgrades to our home. I probably put in more work hours then most people, who work full time and get a pay check! 

Some of the best things about my "job'' is that I can stop and take a break when I want for as long as I want. If I  want to spend a few hours just doing something with the kids I can. If I want to drop everything and take off the whole day, I can do that too. I don't have to ask for permission or worry about not getting in enough hours to pay the bills. I don't have to deal with rush hour traffic, or worry about finding the time to run the household. I  don't have to worry about getting off work if one of the kids are sick, and need to go to the Dr. (With all my kids being breastfed, I'm happy to say they don't get sick very often anyway.)

I know not having a job isn't an option for all mom's, and I respect that. It hasn't always been that way for me. I was a single mom at one time myself .With very little child support that never came regularly, and usually wasn't the full amount. I  had to work and work a lot. I'm so thankful now that I don't have to depend child support one bit. If we did we would be screwed. Can't remember the last time I got 1 penny.

 I also know that 1 income isn't  always enough for some families especially in an economy that people are taking pay cuts just to keep their job. So, yes both parents having to work is very understandable.

We made the decision that is was more important for me to be home with kids as long as we could live comfortably. With that being said we don't have the biggest house on the block. Nor do we feel we need to.  We are happy with what we have and I don't ever see us needing anything bigger. We don't go out a buy brand new cars just to have them. I love not having an unnecessary car payment. We don't just go out and spend money on whatever. We shop very smart, with sales, coupons and clearance. These are just a few of the small sacrifices  I'm willing to make, so my kids don't have to spend 40+ hours a week with someone else.

I really do love my job and  hope to be able to stay home with my kids for many more years. The girls and I have a blast! I recommend to anyone that can afford staying home with the kids, to give it a try. You might just love it.

1 comment:

  1. Im sure Drew and I feel the same that we loves our wives staying at home so we know exactly who is taking care of our children. There are some people that we both know who like to shove their children off to a daycare or something, but whatever, we are better than them anyways.

    More power to you.
