
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony- Not Guilty!! No shocker to me

This trial seemed to be forever long.... I have been following this case since the beginning.  I have always thought Casey was guilty. A grieving mother just doesn't do any of the things she did in the time "Caylee was missing."  Its hard to say how I would react if one of my children were missing. I don't think anyone could say for sure unless they have lived it.

 The one thing I do know is I would  have called the police the second she was gone. I definitely would not be lying to anyone about anything. I would not be making shit up for no good reason at all. I would not be out partying every night, getting tattoos, or acting like nothing was wrong. I really don't understand how anyone can have a smile on their face, day after day when their child is missing.( Which was Casey's claim.) Just doesn't make any since to me.

I watched the jury selection day after day. I was surprised at some of the people that served on the jury.
I watched the trial from beginning to the end. And even though I thought she was guilty, I would not have been able to convict her just based on the states evidence. I know most people disagree with me, however we have to keep in mind that you can only convict on the evidence, not emotion.

I think there were too many holes in the states case. I think the whole family was in on the theory of the defense. I truly believe that the Anthony family would do whatever they had to, if it meant saving their daughter. Yes, I think they love and miss Caylee very much, but they already lost her and they don't want to lose Casey too (Nancy Grace said she would do the same thing for one of her children). There were just too many unanswered questions.

 I was writing this as the verdict came in, so of course I stopped to watch as did everyone else in the country.
I was not surprised by the verdict at all. I said that the states case wasn't strong enough in the very beginning.
Now that the jury found her not guilty they are being criticized and talked about like they are stupid. Everyone wants to blame somebody. I can think of other people to blame before the jury.

 The area where Caylee's remains were found was searched multiple times, by many different people. They found nothing. In early Aug. 2008, there was a call asking for someone to come out and search, because they was something suspicious.  The caller was told no, that the area had already been searched. That happened more then once, to different callers.  Maybe if they would have followed up on those leads, the body would have been found much sooner. And just maybe they would have been able to determine the cause of death. So why would'nt you blame them?

There is so much more to this case.  I will have to blog more on this later once I can get my thoughts together, and the media dies down some.  I know most people don't agree with me and that's fine. Keep in mind innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately that state of FL. was not able to do that.

More to come soon...

1 comment:

  1. Very true. I thought the same thing she's going to be found Not Guilty. Evidence isn't there. Children die everyday. These people that say they want "justice for Caylee" need to do something positive. Stop all this negativity towards jury,defense,The Anthonys. Move on.other children need help.
