
Friday, June 24, 2011

Random's of the Week

The weather this past week has been so crappy... It has rained everyday. Not only is it rainy its cold!   Hadley and I have been stuck in the house everyday  :(  
It definitely doesn't feel like summer. Madison and Kira have been gone for almost a week now. I know they are having fun with their cousins, but we miss them so much! Hopefully when they come home they will bring the sun with them.

We found out yesterday,  Andrew has to have another knee surgery in the next few weeks. He re tore his meniscus, which means more down time and more rehab. They are saying about 6 months, which puts him around the time his unit is scheduled to prepare for deployment. So if his knee is healthy he will have to go, if not I'm not sure what will happen.  I want his knee to be healthy and pain free, but I don't know if I'm ready for another deployment. Guess I better get ready, I may not have a choice.

On a happy note, I found out earlier this week that Kira was accepted to WIVA. (K-12)
She is going to be so excited. She has wanted to homeschool for a couple years now, so we are gonna give it a try. If  for some reason it doesn't work for us, I can send her back to public school anytime.

Well that's all for now, Hadley is ready for a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Drew about the knee. Maybe if your wife gave better knee rubs ya know. And that is fantastic about homeschooling. You will do great. Now get to rubbing that knee
